Highly resilient people show many similar qualities :
Playful, childlike curiosity : Ask lots of questions, want to know how things work. Play with new developments. Enjoy themselves as children do. Have a god time almost anywhere. Wonder about things, experiment, make mistakes, get hurt, laugh. Ask: "What is different now? What if I did this? Who can answer my questions? What is funny about this?"
Constantly learn from experience : Rapidly assimilate new or unexpected experiences and facilitate being changed by them. Ask "What is the lesson here? What ever clues did I ignore? The next time that happens I will ….."
Adapt quickly : Very mentally and emotionally flexible. Comfortable with contradictory personality qualities. Can be both strong and gentle, sensitive and tough, logical and intuitive, calm and emotional, serious and playful, and so forth. The more the better. Can think in negative ways to reach positive outcomes. "What could go wrong, so it can be avoided?"
Have solid self-esteem and self-confidence : Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. It determines how much you learn after something goes wrong. It allows you to receive praise and compliments. It acts as a buffer against hurtful statements while being receptive to constructive criticism. "I like, appreciate, and love myself …"
Self-confidence is your reputation with yourself : It allows you to take risks without waiting for approval or reassurance from others. You expect to handle new situations well because on your past successes. "These are my reliable strengths"
Have good friendships, loving relationships : Research shows that people in toxic working conditions are more stress resistant and are less likely to get sick when they have a loving family and good friendships. Loners are more vulnerable to distressing conditions. Talking with friends and family diminishes the impact of difficulties and increases feelings of self-worth and self-confidence.
Al Siebert, PH. D - Got this from Wendy A Rodrigues (AFFIN Bank, Treasury); many many many moons ago
A quien no le sobra pan, no crie can / Never spend your money before you have it - Spanish Proverb
Sutera Harbour Golf and Country Club
2 years ago
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