In Srully Blotnick's research reflected in Getting Rich Your Own Way (Playboy Paperbacks, 1982), 1500 people were divided into two groups are followed for 20 years. Group A made up 83% of the sample. These people are embarking on a career chosen for the reason of making money now in order to do what they wanted later. Group B, the other 17% chose their career based on what they wanted to do now and would worry about the money later.
The data revealed some startling discoveries : At the end of the 20 years, 101 of the 1500 had become millionaires. Of the millionaires, all but one - 100 out of 101 - were from Group B, the group that had chosen to pursue what they loved!
extracted from "Heart at Work", Jack Canfield & Jacqueline Miller, McGraw-Hill, 1996
No one tests the depth of a river with both feet - Ashanti Proverb from Ghana
Sutera Harbour Golf and Country Club
3 years ago
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