There is an ancient tale about a king who wanted to pick the wisest man among his subjects to be his prime minister. When the search finally narrowed down to three men, he decided to put them to the supreme test. Accordingly, he placed them together in a room in his palace. On the room door he had installed a lock that was the last word in mechanical ingenuity. The candidates were informed that whoever was able to open the door first would be appointed to the post honour.
The three men immediately set themselves to the task. Two of them began at once to work out complicated mathematical formulas to discover the proper lock combination. The third man, however, just sat down in his chair, lost in thought. Finally, without bothering to put pen to paper, he got up, walked to the door and turned the handle. The door opened to his touch. It had been unlocked all the time!
Extracted from Bits & Pieces, The Economics Press, Inc., Fairfield, New Jersey, USA (From the Library of Puan Hajah Zaihani Abdul Hamid)
The tears running down your face do not blind you - Togolese
Sutera Harbour Golf and Country Club
3 years ago
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