In a small town in Spain, a man named Jorge had a bitter argument with his young son Paco. The next day Jorge discovered that Paco's bed was empty - he had run away from home. Overcome with remorse, Jorge searched his soul and realized that his son was more important to him than anything else. He wanted to start over. Jorge went to a well-known store in the centre of town and posted a large sign that read, "Paco, come home. I love you. Meet me here tomorrow morning."
The next morning Jorge went to the store, where he found no less than seven young boys named Paco who had also run away from home. They were all answering the call for love, each hoping it was his dad inviting him home with open arms.
Alan Cohen - extracted from 'A 3rd Serving of Chicken Soup for the Soul', Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen, Health Communications, Inc., 1996
I am a slow worker, but I never walk backwards - Abraham Lincoln
Sutera Harbour Golf and Country Club
2 years ago
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