A match stick has a head, but it does not have a brain.
Therefore, whenever there is a little friction, it flares up immediately. Now, at times the effects of this flaring up can be devastating as it can engulf a whole lot of many things and play havoc and cause destruction.
We have a lesson to learn from this tiny match-stick. All of us have heads. And unlike the match-stick, we have brains as well. Therefore, our wisdom lies in not reacting on impulse - a habit of great importance when managing people.
extracted from 'Management Thoughts' by Promod Batra, Golden Book Centre Sdn Bhd, reprinted 1995
Nyeng mu a hukbiten ta isek ni tatumuk / Grasp the opportunity because the bed bugs will carry and hide them inside the floor - Ivatan Proverb
Sutera Harbour Golf and Country Club
3 years ago