This is "Kampong Senaling" taken in 2006. Has not changed since the 50s - gateway to Sri Menanti
'Kampong Senaling is approximately 5 kilometres from Kuala Pilah - on the Tampin trunk road'

04 November 2009

Thought 04NOV2009

We really do not own anything until we begin to share it with others, and even then we are only partners in its ownership. We all own the daylight, the beauty of the earth, all the sunsets, every flower that our eyes see and admire and every song our feathered friends give forth. Where appreciation is, there is ownership. No one can long be happy with any possession that he cannot share it with others - it would soon grow dusty and useless.

It has often been said that the only things that we keep are the things that we give away. We may give away the thing, but keep the love - and love is something that spreads out, with never an end to it.
George Matthew Adams - Extracted from 'Bits & Pieces', The Economic Press, Inc., Fairfield New Jersey. From the Library of Puan Hajah Zaihani Abdul Hamid
Excusa no pedida, la culpa manifiesta / He who excuses himself accuses himself - Spanish Proverb

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Percussion Band (1964) - Kuala Pilah Padang

Percussion Band (1964) - Kuala Pilah Padang

Percussion Band (1965) - Kuala Pilah Padang

Percussion Band (1965) - Kuala Pilah Padang

Standard 4 (1966) - Tunku Munawir School, Kuala Pilah

Standard 4 (1966) - Tunku Munawir School, Kuala Pilah

Standard 5 (1967) - Tunku Munawir School, Kuala Pilah

Standard 5 (1967) - Tunku Munawir School, Kuala Pilah

Form 3 (1971) - Ampang Road Boys School, Kuala Lumpur

Form 3 (1971) - Ampang Road Boys School, Kuala Lumpur

THE WISE WAY - Parodoxical Commandments

  • People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centred; Forgive them anyway
  • If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
  • If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.
  • If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
  • What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight; Build anyway.
  • If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
  • The good you do today, people may often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
  • Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you got anyway.
  • You see, in the final analysis, it is all between you and GOD; It was never between you and them anyway.
  • .......................................................................................................
  • Written by Kent M Keith when he was 19, first published by the Harvard Student Agencies in 1968.