As you arrive to your work place - Pray to God and ask for his guidance!!
Greet your colleagues - That is called friendship!!
Give to everybody the best of yourself - That is called sincerity!!
Program and organise your day - That is called reflection!!
Now that you have planned everything, begin to work - That is called taking action!!
Trust that everything will be OK - That is called faith!!
Work with happiness - That is called enthusiasm!!
Give the best of yourself - That is called excellence!!
Help those with more difficulties than you do - That is called compassion!!
Understand that not everybody is at your level - That is called tolerance!!
Receive praise with reticence - That is called humility!!
God is with you - That is called LOVE!!
Source Unknown
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up - Thomas Edison
Sutera Harbour Golf and Country Club
3 years ago