AZIZ CLOSE 'V' was successfully organised and done at Meru Valley Golf Resort on Saturday 15th December 2007. All members and invited guests came except Basher (due to his cousin's death). Azharuddin cannot make it due to 'ngumpul harta' commitment!
Good Golf, Good Company, Good Golf Course, Good Weather, Good Organising, Good Driving, Good Putting, Good Food, Good Drive, Good Pomelo and Good Results. After 5 'Close', I managed to become "
The Champion"; I get to engrave my name on the Trophy - Yahoo !!!

The Aziz Close Group
Next "AZIZ CLOSE VI" is expected to be held at Kuantan!

The Organiser - Zainol Mat Desa
Thank you for your untiring and honest effort to organise
"Cuaca bagus di Meru Valley, Tee-off Aziz manyak "World" lo!, Tahun depan berjumpa lagi, Jangan ada yang chicken-out no!" Komen Pak Non
The 1st Flight - Rafe'e, Haji Baharom, Ku Hamid, Haji Faaiz
Better luck next time

The 2nd Flight - Haji Mazlan, Ahamad Kamal, Haji Zulkifli A Rashidi, Basher (absent)
Haji Mazlan lost again - Tuwentiii Baaaht !!!
The Last Flight - Haji Ahmad Daniyal, Mohd Wazir, Aziz Masod Alhaj, Zainol Mat Desa

Haji Mazlan & Ahamad Kamal - Dah lama tak naik Golf Buggy

Making sure all things go okay - Zainol (organiser), Mohd Wazir, Haji Ahmad Daniyal

Food glorious food - Haji Zulkifli A Rashidi, Rafe'e, Ku Hamid, Haji Baharom
Mohd Wazir, Haji Mazlan, Ahamad Kamal, Haji Zulkifli A Rashidi, Rafe'e

Determining Score - Haji Ahmad Daniyal, Mohd Wazir, Zainol Mat Desa, Haji Mazlan

Third Placing - Haji Baharom

2nd Placing - Haji Faaiz
"The Champion" - Abdul Aziz AlhajAt last - after 5 'Close' (but Trophy was absent)