This is "Kampong Senaling" taken in 2006. Has not changed since the 50s - gateway to Sri Menanti
'Kampong Senaling is approximately 5 kilometres from Kuala Pilah - on the Tampin trunk road'

17 November 2007

Ampang Road Boys School 1971

Dr Dzulkifly Hashim, my primary school friend send me this photo (with his wife Mar, in it). I could not remember when and where this photo was taken. But it must have been Form 3 in Ampang Road Boys School, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.

As far as I can remember, standing the most left is Ahmad Zaki (who was once Director of Pusat Terjemahan Negara), then Shukran (then lived in Kg Dato' Keramat), then me. Standing most right is Khairuddin and next to him is Fadzil (Ahmad Zaki's twin brother). The twins used to live in the Jalan Bunus Flats next to the river on Jalan Tun Razak (now where the flyover connecting Tun Razak to Ampang over the river - near Megan Philleo). I used to live at the Jalan Aman (Jalan Damai) Police Barracks. I could not remember of the girls at all (apparently they all went to Ampang Road Girls School) next to our school (behind Sucasa).


Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

Anonymous said...

Good post and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.

AROBA said...

Salam Dr

Kami ingin memaklumkan pada Dr. bekas pelajar Ampang (ARBS) akan mengadakan Majlis Makan Malam Jubli Emas Sempena Penubuhan Sekolah Ampang 50 Tahun

Sila layari

Percussion Band (1964) - Kuala Pilah Padang

Percussion Band (1964) - Kuala Pilah Padang

Percussion Band (1965) - Kuala Pilah Padang

Percussion Band (1965) - Kuala Pilah Padang

Standard 4 (1966) - Tunku Munawir School, Kuala Pilah

Standard 4 (1966) - Tunku Munawir School, Kuala Pilah

Standard 5 (1967) - Tunku Munawir School, Kuala Pilah

Standard 5 (1967) - Tunku Munawir School, Kuala Pilah

Form 3 (1971) - Ampang Road Boys School, Kuala Lumpur

Form 3 (1971) - Ampang Road Boys School, Kuala Lumpur

THE WISE WAY - Parodoxical Commandments

  • People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centred; Forgive them anyway
  • If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
  • If you are successful, you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.
  • If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
  • What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight; Build anyway.
  • If you find serenity and happiness, others may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
  • The good you do today, people may often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
  • Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you got anyway.
  • You see, in the final analysis, it is all between you and GOD; It was never between you and them anyway.
  • .......................................................................................................
  • Written by Kent M Keith when he was 19, first published by the Harvard Student Agencies in 1968.